All week I've been talking about a little project that my two favorite girls, Melonie and Holly, and I have been working on. We're so excited to finally share it with y'all!
Are you ready?
We are hosting a Fall Favorites Swap!! I love, love, love anything fall related. I love the food, I love the fashion, I love the scents, anything and everything fall-ish, I love. When September 1st rolls around, I'm dusting off the fall decor and by the end of the day, it looks like autumn threw up in my house. Fall is definitely a close second to my favorite season. Behind winter, obviously. So, it seemed only logical to have a fall favorites swap. Despite the fact that it's still in the high 80s here. We'll ignore that fact.
OK, so, here's the gist, you sign up, we pick a partner for you, and then you send your favorite autumn things to your partner, and vice versa. It can be anything you love about fall. Pumpking flavored or scented things, nail polish or makeup in fall colors, scarves, Starbucks gift cards, if it's something you love that reminds you of fall, it works.
Now, here are a few rules:
All you have to do is leave a comment with your first and last name, your email address, and your blog address (and twitter name, if you have one!) We need to make sure you're a real! live! person! before we send someone's address to you. We'd feel bad if someone was stalked because of us! There is a $25 limit, and please only comment if you are 100% committed. It's disappointing when you sign up for a swap, and then your partner never sends you anything. Be polite, people. But, if a problem arises, please contact one of us immediately so we can work out something different for your partner. Unfortunately, this swap is only open to US residents, for now!
We will be closing signups on the 26th of September, and announcing swap partners on the 28th. You will need to mail out your swap items no later than the 12th of October, and we'll do a link up on the 22nd of October so you can share your loot!
There you have it, m'dears! We hope you're as excited about this as we are! Now get to signing up!!
I'm in. I'm worried, though, as a teacher, about putting my full name online. Please just email instead ... I promise I'm real. Sarah R. Twitter = @withoutdenouement
I can provide my last name and all the rest of the information through email, I'd just rather it not be connected online in case students search for me!
How fun!!
Kari Webb
Yes! So excited :) Do those of us overseas get to participate? I hope so!
English Anderson
Twitter = @EnglishFreckles
I'm in. I'm worried, though, as a teacher, about putting my full name online.
Please just email instead ... I promise I'm real.
Sarah R.
Twitter = @withoutdenouement
I can provide my last name and all the rest of the information through email, I'd just rather it not be connected online in case students search for me!
Amanda Haney
twitter: missamandafaith
Micah Chaplin
twitter: thebestmicah
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