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Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Pretty Paper

If you know anything about me, you know I love pretty things. Clothing, artwork, decor, stationary, if it's pretty, I adore it. I fall completely head over heels in love with it. I obsess about it, really. So, when I stumbled on Minted, I was in heaven. How have I never heard of them!? 

I'm like a kid in a candy store when I'm on their site. They have got everything from stationary, to journals, to  business cards, to wedding invitations, to holiday cards, to custom art, if it's paper related, they've got it.

I've been coveting this (customizable!) print since I first laid eyes on it.

Wouldn't it be perfect hanging in M's room!? (For the record, I love the name Madison, but that's not M's name!)

I also love, love, love this stationary:

Adorable. I need it, I love it, I must have it.

Anyway, enough drooling over pretty paper, I have something to tell all of you!

Minted has offered to give my readers $50 credit to their site, along with free shipping!! The best part? The giveaway is open to anyone, anywhere, not just the US! I'm so excited for this giveaway!! 

OK, so, here are the deets:

The giveaway will close next Tuesday, September 18th, 2012. There's no purchase necessary, and entering is easy peasy. Just visit their site and leave a comment telling me what you'd purchase with your $50 credit if you won. Be sure and leave your email in your comment. That's it, but you do have the opportunity to earn extra entries. When the giveaway is closed, a winner will be chosen at random through Rafflecopter. I'll notify the winner via email, and if I don't hear from the winner within 48 hours, and new winner will be chosen.

You do need to be a follower via GFC in order to win.

Alright, are you ready to enter?
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Good luck, y'all!! 
*I am not being compensated for this post. All opinions are my own.*


Kace said...

I'd get some cute stationary I think. There are so many cute things to choose from!

Unknown said...

oooooo stationary or custom art - too many decisions too early in the morning

jessica said...

This is such an awesome giveaway, thanks! It would be a hard decision but I'm in love with the Three Wishes print!! :)

tara said...

i'd definitely get a journal! so cute!

oh, rebecca. said...

In love with all the nursery art prints, that'd go so well in E's room! I can't even just pick one!

Christine Marie said...

I have been telling myself to get business cards for me as a freelance writer. This could start my illustrious career, J!

Chibi said...

Ooh, I totally need my own stationery! :D

april said...

Yikes, don't hold me to it but I could go for my own stationary! I generally bellyache over making such decisions with "free" money that I don't worry over when it's my own cash.

Unknown said...

I would totally get these holiday cards :)

thanks for hosting such a fun giveaway!

Emily said...

oh my my myyyy minted is THE greatest. i cant even begin to guess what I would get if I were to win, it would most likely be some form of a stationary with my future new last name on it (ya know, to help me remember i have a new name and all!)

Jennifer Salter said...

How did I knot know about them either? Dude! I'm in love with the hello stripes personalized stationery! Like IN LOVE!

Tif said...

Hmmm..maybe a journal or custom art!

Ramblings of a Southern Belle

Unknown said...

I would buy the j'taime art print!

JaRaSa said...

I'd go for the women's flat stationary or the 'color flat' business stationary with the dress form. Adorebs. Thanks!

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