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Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Well, hello there

So,... um,... did you see Joseph Gordon-Levitt on SNL this weekend? Oh my... not only is he an incredible actor, homeboy is gooood lookin! Here's a little eye candy of my future husband, courtesy of Flaunt Magazine.

Lawd have mercy. 

Have a good Tuesday, my loves!   


Anonymous said...

Woooooweeeee! That link is what I needed this morning. :)

J said...

LOL glad I could make your day better!

jessica said...

I don't know if it's finally because he doesn't look so young anymore or what but he is HOTT lately!!

B said...

Oh, hellllllll yes.

Makaila said...

boy IS lookin' goood! Dammm!

Danavee said...

Found you via Great Expectations!

He is dreamy. 500 Days of Summer??? GAH!

Unknown said...

I absolutely LOVED him in Inception and TDRK . . . I hope they do run with a Robin/Darkwing spin off, just so we can get more Joseph. Er, I mean, John Blake . . .

LWLH said...

Who would have thought that the weird kid with long hair from 3rd Rock would turn into THAT!! Meowwwwww!

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