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Thursday, November 22, 2012


Happy Thanksgiving my loves! I spent the day cooking and eating and drinking with my family, and it was simply fabulous. I would catch myself just watching everyone laugh and have a good time, and I'd say a little prayer to say thanks to God for everything I've been blessed with. I have a truly amazing life, and I don't count my blessings enough.

I hope that all of you had days as awesome and loving as mine, and that you took the time to be thankful today. And tomorrow when you wake up weighing 5 pounds heavier from all of the turkey, I hope you count your blessings again, because no matter the cards we're dealt in life, we really are blessed. X's and O's m'dears. Now, I'm off to grab some leftovers!


B said...

Happy Thanksgiving to you guys, also! Was thinking about you the other day :)

Amanda said...

Happy Thanksgiving! Glad yours was fabulous. :)

Alynne Leigh said...

love love this post (:

happy thanksgiving!

LWLH said...

Hope you had a fabulous Thanksgiving girl :)

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