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Friday, November 16, 2012

The Long and Short of It

What's that? I have a blog?? Shut up, seriously!?

I swear I didn't forget about all of you lovely folks, I've just been extra busy. Busy with losing weight and blogging about it,

"Fall down seven, stand up eight."

busy with girl's weekends,

Oh, heyyyy

busy planning Thanksgiving. Y'all get the picture, right?


We have our family Christmas photos this Saturday, and I've been so busy, I haven't been able to get my hair cut, which is kind of a drag because oh my, my mop is a mess. My hair is currently about shoulder length, and I've been trying to grow it out, but every now and then I get the bug to cut it. Especially after finding a new blogger who has a really cute cut. So cute, right!?

So, what say you, lovely readers? Should I go short and cute? Or keep trying to grow it out? Mind you, it grows about 1/8th of an inch a year. It's horribly slow.

Maybe I should just invest in some wigs?? Then I could change it up every day! How exciting! 
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