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Friday, December 28, 2012

Reading Material and Ad Space. What More Could You Want!?

Hello m'dears! Are you as stoked as I am that it's Friday?? I have big plans this weekend, including a birthday party, a mani, hopefully a stylish new haircut, and a trip to my brother's to ring in the new year with my family. I love this time of year, it's so full and festive.

OK, enough jibber jabber, let's have a giveaway, shall we?

Today is perfect for all of you bloggers. One person will win three prizes. Wanna know what's up for grabs?

An eBook code for The Trio from Alyse at The Enchanted Owl

An XL Ad Space from Katie at Lose The Cushion for 2 months

A Large Ad Space from Little Woman Little Home for 3 months

So, not only are you getting three awesome books, you're also getting ad space at two very popular blogs, with a combined total of over 1,000 readers. Plus, I read all three of these blogs, and I can personally say they're all awesome. Are you ready to win? 

  a Rafflecopter giveaway

Good luck, y'all! And if you don't win, keep in mind that we're only about half way through the giveaways, and there's another one tomorrow! Happy Friday!

1 comment:

Amber said...

All these giveaways have been so fun!

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