Aaaaaanyway, I wanted to take a quick little break from the giveaways to talk a little bit about my 2013 goals. Side note: I like to use "goals" instead of "resolutions". Resolutions are broken 80% of the time, so I set goals. To me, goals are something you work towards, something you achieve. I think it fits better when it comes to New Years. Back to the topic at hand. I like to list my goals here on the ol' blog because it somehow holds me more accountable. You can see some of my past goals here. (While you're at it, check out the guest post from Sarah on goal setting and goal getting, it's so helpful!)
Alright, my first goal is definitely my biggest. Continue to get healthy. I started my weight loss journey in 2012, and I'm nowhere near the end, but I'm working towards it. In 2013 I want to push harder, eat healthier, and get better at sticking to a workout schedule. It's always good to workout, I just want my workouts to be less sporadic. I need more structure. I'd like to have a schedule worked out in the next week so I can put it into action. I also plan on going through my pantry and throwing out any junk food. Is that wasteful? Yes. But it's necessary. I need to replace them with healthier options.
My second goal may sound a bit odd, but it's to better myself and to be more ladylike. My girl KB has dubbed 2013 "Year of the Lady" because hot messes are no longer cute. I want M to grow up to be more like the Audrey Hepburn and less like Kim Kardashian. And I fully believe that moms set the best examples for their kids. So, Year of the Lady it is. That includes everything from standing straighter, to being more gracious, to being more "put together", to reading more books, to taking better care of myself. Just being classier overall. It all boils down to being more of a lady, in every aspect of my life. (BTW, Year of the Lady will soon be a blog. In the mean time, there's a twitter, a facebook page, a pinterest, and an instagram. Follow them, it's for the best.)
My third goal is to get better with this blog, and with the Stand Up Ate blog. I need to decide what direction I want to go in with this one and stick to it. I'd like to be more organized with my posting schedule. I'm thinking I need to get a blog planner and stick to it. Plan out posts, and have things just more organized and clean. I also want to be better about commenting on other blogs and replying to my comments. Cause seriously, y'all, I'm horrible at it. I hope to start posting here daily, and posting at Stand Up Ate 2-3 times a week.
My fourth and final goal is to have my event planning business fully launched in 2013. I've hee hawed around long enough. It's time to get it together and run with it. I hope to have the website launched by mid February, and a portfolio started by March.
So, that's it, there are my goals for the year. I plan on writing more generalized goals for each month and posting those throughout the year, but this is to get the ball rolling. It's the big picture.

What about y'all, did y'all set any resolutions or goals for the new year?
Year of the Lady, I *love* that. I have 2 boys, but I still want to be a role model for them, and show them how a respectable lady should be! :)
And yes, I highly recommend having a planner for the blog. I use one too now and it just keeps me right on track. :)
Happy New Year!
Year of the Lady is just such an amazing idea!
Love this post from top to bottom. We seriously need to get together soon.
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