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Monday, April 1, 2013


Is it me you're looking for??....

I know I wasn't the only one who sang that....

Yes, I'm back. I know I've been on an unexplained hiatus, but to be honest, I just wasn't feeling this blogging thing. I was uninspired, and I felt like it was a waste to post fluff just for the sake of posting.

I have been longing to blog again, so I'm trying my hand at this again. I cannot promise daily posts. I can't tell you what direction I want my little blog to go in. I can only tell you that I'll be blogging again. I miss writing, letting my thoughts flow through my fingertips. I miss connecting with all of you. So, I'm back. Sorta. Thanks to all of you who stuck around through my hiatus, y"all are the bestest!

Also? I heard through the grapevine that Google is doing away with reader and GFC (shakes fist angrily), so you can find me on the twit, facebook, vine (@ohheyitsj), instagram, and subscribe to the ol' blog through bloglovin'. I'd really like y'all to stick around, so pick one or all of them!

And now, for your viewing pleasure.


applesandglue said...

Welcome back, I've missed you!!!

Michelle said...

So glad you're back! and thanks for the video - you know I'll be singing that all night

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