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Tuesday, April 30, 2013

How to: Do Anything Well

I am not an expert at anything. Ok, I take that back, I consider myself an expert at planning parties and events, but that's pretty much were my area of expertise ends. But there are so many things that I want to be able to do, and I want to do them well. So, I set out to find out exactly how to become an expert on pretty much anything. And I found out, it really isn't that hard. You really can do anything and do it well. Here are a few tips I learned along the way.

Be Realistic 

I am a firm believer in the "You can do anything you set your mind to" philosophy, I even tell my daughter that at least once a week. But realistically? It isn't true. I can tell you without a doubt in my mind that neither you nor I will ever be Queen of England. I can also say that I know for a fact that I will never be an Olympic swimmer. I'm 27, I've never even been in an Olympic size pool, and I look like a frog when I swim. I'm fairly certain Team USA won't be calling anytime soon. However, I could be a graphic designer if I wanted to. I could learn German, or start a catering company, or write a novel. If it's a realistic goal, it's game.

Choose a Good Goal

I just said that I could write a novel if I wanted to. Do I want to? Absolutely not. So why would I try? In order to learn to do something well, to be an expert at it, you have to have a passion for it. I actually have a passion for learning German because that's my heritage. I have a huge interest in stand up paddleboarding, so I could definitely be successful at learning how to do that. Your heart has to be in it, or you won't succeed.

Do Your Research

You have to do some investigative work before you can jump into learning something. Want to plant a gorgeous garden? You've got to do some research. Find out what flowers will grow well in your area. Research the flowers themselves, are they full, half, or partial shade? How often do they bloom, how often do they need to be watered, what type of bed will they flourish better in? Do your research and find out what prep work you need to do.

Check Out Local Resources

Does your town have a community center that offers free adult education classes? Is there a junior college nearby that offers discounted courses? Find resources nearby that can get you educated. Home Depot offers home improvement classes, some ballet studios offer adult classes, some companies offer internships. Tap into what is around you to help you accomplish your goal. A lot of times the classes are on the cheaper side, if not free! And never forget about the internet! From blogs, to websites, to Pinterest, I'm betting you can probably find a tutorial for just about anything on the internet.

Practice Makes Perfect

OK, so you've got your prep work done, you've checked out local resources to learn your craft, you've even attended one seminar and 2 1/2 classes. So clearly you should be bragging about how talented you are, right!? Nope. Not at all. Just because you've taken a few classes and dabbled at bit in whatever you're interested in, does not mean you're doing it well. Not yet. Doing something well takes practice, lots, and lots, and lots, and lots of practice.

Never Stop Learning

Everything is constantly changing, expanding, evolving. You have to keep up with the changes in your field, or you'll only be an expert for a very short period of time. You update your phones, your computers, your tablets, you should update your brain too. Go back to your local resources, find continuing education classes, buy the newest books about your talent. Basically stay sharp and well informed.

There you have it. There are my keys to doing anything well. I told you it's fairly simple. You just have to work at it, but if you want it bad enough, that's no big feat.

Are you an expert at anything? What would you like to be able to do well? 

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