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Friday, May 3, 2013

5 Things To Do This Month


May is definitely one of my favorite months. It's still spring here in Texas, it's warm enough to swim and float the river, but it isn't deathly hot yet. You can actually spend all day outside without worrying about having a heatstroke. So here are 5 lovely things to try during this lovely month!
  1. Throw a Cinco de Mayo party - I'm always looking for an excuse to celebrate, and a Cinco de Mayo party is always fun. Buy some festive decorations, whip up some margaritas, make some homemade guacamole and a Mexican casserole (my favorite Tex-Mex dish!), and have a fiesta! 
  2. Go bike riding - It's National Bike Month, so why not hop on a bicycle and go for a ride? (Need a bicycle? Here are a few I love!)
  3. Get your tan perfect before summer is in full swing - From a bottle, not the sun or a tanning bed! Find out how to get the best tan from a bottle here.
  4. Find the perfect swimsuit - I'm so in love with these two!
  5. Get outta town! - Memorial Day is coming up, so why not plan a quick vacation? Just a few days out of town can reset your brain and leave you feeling refreshed. 
Here's to having a fabulous May!

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