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Wednesday, May 29, 2013

We're In Mourning

Y'all, it's sad times over here. For the last 4 days, M has refused to nap. Nap time comes, she lays down, and within 15 minutes shes either up singing and dancing in her room, or has come back into the living room. The child will not nap.

Does this mean nap time is gone forever? Because Mama ain't ready for that, y'all! I get a lot done during nap time! Laundry, cooking, napping, cleaning. Nap time is my time, because let's be honest, after bedtime I'm rushing around cleaning up from dinner, getting ready for bed, etc, etc. By the time I'm finished with my end of the day to do list, I'm exhausted and just want to go to bed. There's absolutely no time for "me time".

Fellow mamas, what's a girl to do, have y'all been through this? Is the beloved daily nap gone forever!? How will I ever get things done!? Does anyone want to come and be our nanny for 2 hours a day? I'll pay you in cupcakes! Someone help!!

Sadly, GFC will be gone very soon, and I'd hate to lose you!! You can like A Southern Styled Life on Facebook, or follow on Bloglovin'! (You'd be my favorite if you did both!)
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