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Monday, June 3, 2013

June's Monthly Goals


Um, hi, how is it already June!? May 1st was yesterday!! 

Anyway, here we are, with June already in full swing. I was looking over May's goals, and I didn't do horribly. I didn't do so hot on washing my makeup off every night or blogging more (fail), but I did cut back on the eating out and spending less time in front of the computer and phone screen. So now we're on to June.
  • Complete Stand Up Ate's Best Bod Challenge. I've talked about Stand Up Ate before, but I don't think I've mentioned it lately. Michelle and I have added another contributor, Kendra from Silkybowties, and we're kicking off No Excuses June today with two different challenges. Kendra and Michelle are hosting an Insanity Challenge, and since my knee won't let me do the Insanity workout, I'm hosting the Best Bod Challenge. We'd love for you to join in if you'd like! Just click over to the site to find out more!! (There's also a giveaway going on right now! Find it here.)
  • Get M's old clothes organized and start selling! I started an Instagram account to sell the clothes she's outgrown and posted a few items. Now I just need to drag out other hundred boxes that haven't been sorted through and get them listed. 
  • Clean up my blog and possibly get a redesign. Yes, this is on the list again. My little space is badly in need of some sprucing up!
  • Get M's playroom organized. It's bad, y'all, real bad. Plus I'd really like to make it her playroom/homeschool room combined into one, which means organizing and purging. Besides, the amount of toys she has is ridiculous and unnecessary, and I'd like to teach her to live with less. 
  • Do something with this mane of mine. I'm in desperate need of a trim and a moisturizing treatment. Plus I need to decide if I'm going to stay dark brown or try blonde again for summer.
What are your monthly goals? Are you joining in with one of the Stand Up Ate challenges? 

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jessica said...

I need to learn more about this Stand Up Ate Challenge!!

I'm so happy you finally took the plunge with an IG shop! How's it going so far?

Also, I'm with you - new blog design and fixing my mane. June is the month, let's do it! :)

Unknown said...

Love the idea of monthly goals! I need to start some of my own!

~Anchored In Christ~ said...

Love the monthly goals. I did a clean up this week and last week or blog, twitter and facebook. :D

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