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Wednesday, June 12, 2013

The Newest mark. Girl

Pretty Little Liars premiered last night! Did you tune in? I'll admit, it's a show about a bunch of teenagers, and I'm a 27 year old mother, but I love it! Mostly because of Lucy Hale.

I simply adore her. Not only is she gorgeous, she's a southern girl too, which obviously makes her a favorite of mine! So I was thrilled when I read the news yesterday that she was mark.'s new Beauty Brand Ambassador!

I'm really excited to see how she works with the company in the future. I think she's absolutely perfect for the campaign because she's young, yet not too young for my generation to connect with. I loved Ashley Greene, and hate to see her go, I think Lucy can fill the shoes well.

Have you met mark. yet? Head over and check out my eBoutique and find out all about the mark. brand!

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1 comment:

~Anchored In Christ~ said...

I usually watch it but wasnt home so I hope I can catch it tonite online.

I was stopping by and was gonna get your grab button to put on my blog buttons page. But I dont see one. :( *bummed*

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