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Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Let's Talk Lent

I am not Catholic, so I wasn't raised to participate in Lent, though I had many friends that did. Growing up Lent seemed like such a hassle. Giving up something you loved for really no reason? No thanks. As I've gotten older, and hopefully wiser, after really learning about Lent from research and various Catholic friends, I've really come to love the idea of it. Jesus made the ultimate sacrifice for us. And his lasted forever, not just 40 days. Is it really too much for us to give up something minor when he gave up something so much more?

After some thinking and praying, I decided to participate in Lent this year. We attend a Presbyterian church, and I know that some Presbyterians participate in Lent, not necessarily by giving something up, but by adding something into their lives. Daily Bible study, perhaps, or daily prayer times. After some consideration, I decided to both give up something, and add something in.

Social media has always been an addiction of mine, even though it's something silly, it is a big part of my daily life. I check my phone first thing when I wake up in the morning. I'm checking it throughout the day, I'm glued to my iPad or laptop during nap time, and even when I lay down in bed at night, I'm checking Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. I'm addicted, y'all. So, I thought my social media usage would be a good sacrifice. I also decided to add daily Bible study into my life. I know I should be reading my bible every day, but I wasn't. I don't have a good excuse why, I just wasn't. I was focusing on social media other things.

I plan on picking a Lent reading plan from my Bible app (YouVersion is the one I use, I love it, and they also have an app for kids called Bible for Kids that M loves), which makes it a bit easier on me because there's actual structure versus me just fumbling around in my bible. I can also set a daily reminder to remind me to do the plan for the day.

I really didn't think giving up social media would be such a big deal, but I can honestly say that we're only 12 hours into Lent, and it's extremely hard. The first thing I did this morning was pick up my phone to check Facebook. Thankfully I deleted the app. I had no idea how many times I would mindlessly pick up my phone to check the various apps I had. (Especially Instagram, it's my biggest addiction) I am pleased to say that M is participating in Lent with me. She says she wants to read the Bible with me every day, and she's going to give up thumb sucking. That's a huge sacrifice for her, so we'll see how that does. I really want to take the next 40 days to work on my relationship with God, to make it stronger, unbreakable. Because without Him, I'm nothing.

Are you and your family participating in Lent? What are you giving up, or adding into your life? Do you have any tips for making Lent successful? Share them with me!

(Obviously I won't be around my social media accounts, but you can still follow me, and I'll be back at the end of Lent!)

1 comment:

Kenj said...

I'm so glad I found your blog again! I'm trying to find all my old blogs I love. I hope everything is going great for you lady! God bless!

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