Know what else is easier? Making friends. Remember in kindergarten when you met another kid, and you were all, "Oh yeah, you like Darkwing Duck and collect Trolls too? Let's be friends!"

It was easy back then, now it's so much harder. See, here's the thing I have friends, I have amazing friends, but none that live within an hour of me. Here, in our tiny town, I really don't have a close friend. Which means M really has no friends. She has friends at school, but I don't know their parents, so she doesn't really have friends outside of school. And it's killing me that she doesn't have little besties, but ohmygosh, making friends with adults is hard!! I'm no good at striking up conversations, and I'm worse at small talk. So, when we go to play dates, M plays with the other kids, and I pretty much sit there.
What am I supposed to do!? How do you make friends as an adult? It's not like when we were kids, you can't be all, "Oh yeah, you like cupcakes and wine too? Let's be friends!" How do y'all do it? I know there's got to be an easier way, right?? Do y'all have any tips for our next play date? Are there enough questions in this post???? Seriously though, how is it done? Because if I don't make friends with some parents soon, M's going to end up being one of those women who lives with her parents and still plays with dolls at 31. No one likes those people.
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Ahh I feel the same way! It seems impossible to make friends! It's even more impossible to transition "work" or "School" friends to "real life" friends! I don't get it.
It's like everyone already has their own little group and they don't want to let anyone in!
If a woman ever came up to me and said "Hi! You like wine & cupcakes?" I would TOTALLY want to be her friend!!
I definitely agree it's hard to make friends. I feel like I have groups of friends, high school, college, work, Ryan's friends, etc...
I do not have anyone that I would call a friend. A friend is someone who gives back and understands that any relationship is 50/50. I have aquaintences who appreciate my hard work for showers, needing a shoulder to cry on, love when I help them do anything, but it is never returned when I need it, so I don't call them friends. Not only that, but also in conversation. If they can voice all of their opinions in conversation, I would like to voice mine without criticism for not agreeing with everything they say. I have yet to meet those people. I am sure they are out there somewhere, but have yet to find any in Texas.
I agree with Courtney....if someone came up and told me they loved 'cupcakes and wine' I would totally wife her up as my BFF!! :)
Well if you ever in the spring tx area we should totally have a play date, I'll bring the cupcakes!! :-) I know just what you mean me and my daughters don't have any friends outside of school.
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