Anyway, last night I was thinking, why are we so negative? So hard on ourselves? We, as women, are amazing creatures. Y'all, we can grow other people!! That's huge! We can be beauty queens, and CEOs, and actresses, and firefighters, and doctors, and lawyers, and singers, and designers, and mothers, and the list goes on and on and on. We are fabulous. So why do we hate on ourselves so much?

It's no secret that I've struggled with body issues most of my life. I've looked in the mirror time and time again and hated what I saw. But why? Why did I hate the person looking back at me? I am beautiful, whether I'm overweight, underweight, or just the right size. What I look like shouldn't determine what type of person I am, just the same as your weight/looks/clothing shouldn't determine who you are. We should strive to be good people. We should lift ourselves and each other up, instead of knocking everyone down. Because when we're good people, we're beautiful, no matter what. Beautiful insides lead to beautiful outsides.
Instead of looking in the mirror and pointing out our flaws, why not point out our good points? I love my smile and my eyebrows (weird, I know). When we're feeling down, why not lift ourselves up with positive thoughts, instead of filling our head with negative things? The next time we feel the urge to talk down to (or about) someone, why not pay them a compliment? I'll admit I struggle with this one.
I look at my beautiful daughter and my heart aches to think that one day she may have negative thoughts about herself. I want to teach her to be positive, to love everything about herself, and to send out positive thoughts to others. If we taught the younger generations nothing but positive things, can you imagine the impact that would have on the world?
This is my challenge for you: if you have a negative thought about yourself today, forget it, immediately, and replace it with a positive one. If you have a negative thought about someone else, smile at them, or, even better, give them a compliment. There's absolutely no point in beating yourself or someone else down. We, my darlings, are fabulous women. Don't ever forget that.
X's and O's
{Image via}
If, by chance, there are any men that read this blog, sorry, this post wasn't really geared toward you that much. But I'm sure you're fabulous too!
I will make a point of doing this myself. Thanks girl! :)
I absolutely LOOOOVE this post. You are completely right and I think we all need to stop being so hard on ourselves! and on others too! Because even when you might be feeling good, there's some other woman out there hating. Why do we women do that to each other?! But that's another post for another day. haha. I too worry about V getting older and dealing with these issues but I know she'll learn from what she sees me do and how I am towards myself. It's gotta change so thanks for the reminder :)
and for the recond, liking your eyebrows is NOT weird. I like mine too ;)
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