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Monday, October 15, 2012

To the One I Love

There was something there the minute I looked in your eyes. No, not love at first sight, I don't believe in that, but there was definitely something. Something more than attraction. There was a pull. I was drawn to you.

We stayed up listening to each other's stories that night, and I was mesmerized. I'd met interesting people before, but none as interesting you. You were different. You were special. I remember the way your eyes lit up when you talked about something you loved. They still do that. I remember the way you looked at me. I felt like you were seeing the real me. The me that only my closest loved ones got to see. I fell asleep next to you on the couch. You had been a complete stranger just hours before, but I was comfortable with you. I already trusted you with my life.

Two days. That's all it took. In two days time, I knew I was in love with you. I knew that I would spend the rest of my life with you. And it didn't take you much longer to decide to spend your's with me. 

In 7 short years, we have been through so much. We've screamed and fought and laughed and loved. We've been there for each other through thick and thin. We've had good times and faced bad times, and we've grown stronger with each passing day. 

I still get giddy whenever I see you, especially if we've spent a few days apart. That pull is still there. I'm still drawn to you. 

My favorite place in the world is in your arms. When you smile that sly smile at me, my heart melts. Not only do you put up with my craziness, but you welcome it into your life. We are so very different, yet go so well together. Your calm matches my insanity. 

Not only are you a wonderful husband and best friend, you are an amazing dad. Thank you so much for being such a great man. I love you, my darling. Then, now, always. 

Lovely readers of mine, please forgive my sappiness. I had the urge to write a love letter to the hubs, and I figured what better place to write it than my blog! We will return to our regular scheduled programming tomorrow. In the mean time, head over to our Facebook page and check out what's going on! M and I have decided to do a vlog, and we want your questions! What's something y'all want to know about us? Happy Monday, lovers! 


april said...

Happy anniversary!

Hall Around Texas said...

Love love love it! So sweet.

Kaylee said...

Absolutely beautiful! How lucky you both are to have married such a wonderful person :)

Natalie said...

I knew the night I met my husband that he was the man I would be marry. And your wording is perfect. It wasn't love at first sight, but a connection.. a pull to him that was so strong I couldn't fight it if I wanted to.

Congratulations to the two of you for having an amazing love.

Helene said...

I love this. It's so inspiring to see this and everyone should a love like that!
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