I just wanted to make a quick little post to say hi, tell you you're looking beautiful, ask how your mother is... No, seriously, I wanted to say sorry for not being around much, this 31 Days project is a lot harder than I thought it would be. Though, I didn't really pick an easy subject. Changing myself isn't so easy.
OK, let's take a look at what I've accomplished this week, shall we?
- I've worked out 3 times (goal was 4, though I have it on the agenda for tonight!)
- I cleaned and organized one of our storage closets. The others are begging to be organized, they're next on the list.
- We hit up the pumpkin patch. And had an insanely amount of fun.

Fun and silliness are both keys to being a better you!
- Finished almost all of my laundry
- Finished M's Halloween costume (OHMYGAH SO CUTE!)
- Cleaned out my DVR
Now, ok, maybe that last one isn't a huge accomplishment, but it was an area that was giving me stress, so it counts! I plan on working on my car and closet this weekend, so I'll be able to check those off as well.
I also started a mini project today. There are 27 days until my 27th birthday (counting today, and stopping the day before my birthday). I've wanted to do something that can help me grow as a person that coincides with my birthday. So, for the next 27 days (including today!), I will do 27 random acts of kindness. They can be small acts (opening a door for someone), or much bigger acts (buying groceries for someone), as long as they are acts of kindness. I'm making a list for about half of the acts, and the rest I will play by ear.
I know this may not make sense to some, but I feel like it will help me be the better person that I want to be. I'll be doing check ins every now and then, probably along with my 31 Days check ins. And I promise, I'm going to start to try to blog more often about things other than the 31 Days project!
I hope you all have fabulous weekends, and if you're up for it, join me in my random acts of kindness, and do something sweet for someone else. It'll make you feel good.
X's and O's, m'dears!
This is a great idea!!!
Wow! That is more than I have accomplished!! Way to go!!
Do Dallas Cheap
Umm, I love these pics! SO cute!
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