"It’s wonderful. I feel like I've found my other half, and I’m so excited about getting to love him for the rest of our lives."And she is apparently receiving a lot of flack around the blogosphere about it. The show reported that a lot of bloggers are criticizing her for not considering herself as a whole person without him, and for not having any self worth without a man.
Now, maybe I'm the only one, but I don't see it like that. In fact, I know exactly where Anne is coming from. My husband is my other half. I was always my own person, and I still am, but when I met him, I knew that he was the piece of my soul that had been missing.
Honestly, I think everyone has a small hole in their soul. Maybe a significant other isn't the missing piece. Maybe it's a best friend, maybe it's a pet, I don't know. I just feel like there comes a point in your life that you meet someone (or something!) and you just know that they complete you. You were missing something before then, and suddenly, you're whole.
So, I agree with Anne Hathaway, and I'm glad that she's found her missing piece, because life is so much better once you've found yours.

I totally agree with you.
I am in agreement with you and Anne! So sad that people are bashing her for that.
Completely agree with you.
I can't believe people are giving her flack for that, like seriously? It's not that serious and those people may be missing something in their lives if it comes to picking people apart like that.
Anyone complaining about stuff like that can only be jealous of her happiness. That's all I can think of.
I completely agree with you.
I totally agree with you {and Anne}…Nathan is definitely my other half. I’d be so lost in this world without him! We balance each other out on so many levels! I honestly can’t believe she’s getting so much negativity for saying that!
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