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Tuesday, December 11, 2012

I've Been Working on a Little Something...

I love y'all so very, very much. Seriously, all of my readers rock my world. So, I wanted to give y'all something for Christmas. Wanna know what it is?

That's right y'all, a twelve days of Christmas giveaway. Starting Thursday, the 13th, through Monday, the 24th, I'll be having a giveaway a day. Some days there's one prize, some days there's more. Each day there is just one winner (though maybe, just maybe, there might be a day or two with more than one winner!). The giveaway will run from 7am CST to 11pm CST for one day only. And y'all? I've got some awesome prizes lined up! So be sure and check back first thing Thursday morning for the first day of the 12 Days of Christmas Giveaway!

Best of luck my loves, and thanks for being so amazing!

Photo via


hello haha narf said...

so sweet. merry christmas!

Unknown said...

ahhh I forgot to email you back about this!

B said...

Yay! So excited! I hope to win (again!) :)

Jennifer Wood said...

YAY! So excited chickadee!

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