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Monday, October 21, 2013


Most people think of spring as the time of renewal. For me, that time is October. I love this time of year. It's the big shift from the hot Texas spring and summers into the cozier months. The air cools a bit, enough to spend days with the windows open. Comfort food makes its way onto our dinner table. Decorations come out. I love it so much. October is my refreshing time. I clean the house like crazy, I put out the fall scented scentsy bars, and I bake. Oh boy, do I bake. I'm your stereotypical blogger. Pumpkin flavored everything, please and thank you.

So these last couple of weeks we've been making the fall transition. We had a cool front come through last week and the temps actually dipped low enough to pull out some light sweaters. I get so restless this time of year. So anxious to feel that second when it all changes from summer to autumn. As much as I want to feel the actual change, I never do. I think because it happens so slowly. I wake up one morning and look around, only to realize there's no trace of summer left.

It's funny that my favorite time of year only lasts about 4 months. From October to January. I think it's because those months are filled with so many warm and fuzzies. Soft sweaters, comfort food, delicious scents, and family. Yup, that's the best part, the family time. I want to bottle up this time of year so I can hang on to it forever. Feeling a little down in mid June? Uncork the bottle and take a little whiff. Instant mood lifter. Can someone make that happen?

Alright, enough rambling for today. I'm off to bake something pumpkin flavored.



Celeste said...

I'm with you! From October through the new year are my absolute favorite months BY FAR. I'm in Texas too, and I loathe the heat, so now that it's cooling down I am one happy camper. Enjoy it while it lasts!

Suze said...

I feel the same way. It's such a beautiful, refreshing time of year. I always do a lot of cleaning and house fix in and it's when I usually make healthy choices and get myself right spiritually... Sigh, what a wonderful time of year.

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