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Monday, October 1, 2012

Hello, October

How is it October already and where did September go!? Wasn't it labor day just last weekend?

Anyway, we've been busy, busy, busy this last week, and we've got so much lined up for the next few weeks, updates may be scarce around here for a little while, but I promise I'll try to pop by a few times a week to say hello!

As far as this week, we've got a little junkin' lined up, as well as Junk Gypsy Prom, and I'm soooooo excited! I'm also working on M's Halloween costume, which I'm making this year, so that's a first.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm off to make my house all spooky! Happy October, my loves!


LWLH said...

Our October is busy too...have fun lovebug!

Angie said...

October is a busy month for us too! Look out friend, the holidays are upon us

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