See, here's the problem, if you give a toddler an option, she'll change her mind a million and one times. And that's exactly what M is doing.
We started with Pirate. She ran around here for weeks yelling, "Argh, matey!" and waving a sword around, until she knocked a lamp over and I took it away from her. Then I convinced her to be a clown. Rainbow suspenders and knee socks, rainbow tutu and squeaker shoes. It was going to be adorable. And she was on board with that for awhile. Then, in true toddler fashion, she changed her mind again.
She briefly wanted to be a witch. I was fully on board with this. I scoured Etsy and Pinterest for inspiration. I even taught her to say, "I'll get you, my pretty, and your little dog too!" I was picturing a black tulle skirt, orange and black striped tights, and a sparkly black cape. Oh yes, she was going to be a perfect witch.
But that didn't last long. She briefly wanted to be a fairy. And then she saw a Dorothy costume, and OHMYGAH, THERE'S A TINY DOG! And then that was out the window just as quickly as it came in.
So, we're back to square one. No idea what she's going as for Halloween. Everyone says I should just choose for her, but I want her to like it. I want her to be a part of picking it, after all, it's her costume, and I feel that she's old enough to pick it. The main problem is, I guess I'm just as indecisive as she is.
I just know we're going to have a hard time topping last year's costume, because it was cute!

She is tooo cute! But after reading this article I realize I'm as indicisive as a toddler.
Oh my goodness! M is so adorable!!!!
LOL! I am sure this will be the case with us next year. Mason doesn't really remember Halloween last year so I think this will be his defining year for Halloween. He always tells us he wants to be a fireman when he gets bigger so we are on the hunt for a good Fireman costume!
Oh my goodness last year's costume is adorable!
She is beyond adorable, whatever she chooses will be just as adorable as last year!!
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